Specialists in negotiation, arbitration and litigation
Practice areas
Ramón C. Pelayo Abogados, without prejudice to its legal advice activity in different areas, is especially recognized and specialized in the activity of negotiation and litigation. And, as such, it directs a large part of its activity to the defense of procedural and pre-procedural interests, both of small and medium-sized companies – in respect of which it is configured as its natural legal outsourcing – and of those of larger size that, mainly for reasons of image, prestige and excellence, require particular care regarding the way in which they are advised and represented in the negotiation field and, of course, defended in jurisdictional and arbitral venues.
Our main areas of practice are, in accordance with the above, the following:
In any of these areas, our professionals, specialized in one or more of them, work with a single objective: to satisfy, individually or in groups, depending on the characteristics of the matter, the needs of our clients.
Experience, preparation and teamwork

Ramón C. Pelayo Jiménez
Is a State Lawyer (Abogado del Estado) on voluntary leave. He is recognized as one of the most expert and well-known lawyers in the litigation, arbitration and negotiation fields. He has been involved in some of the most relevant Spanish judicial proceedings of the latest years. In his teaching facet, he has been the Director of the Master’s Degree in Professional Legal Practice at the University of San Pablo-CEU and of the Master’s Degree in Private Law imparted by the Madrid Bar Association. In addition, he has been part of the most relevant institutions and is member of the Governing Body of the Madrid Bar Association, the Spanish Society of Arbitration and the Civil and Mercantile Court of Arbitration of Madrid. His knowledge on Law, the business sector and the Spanish jurisdiction positions him as one of the greatest experts in litigation and dispute resolution, both at national and international levels.

Bosco García de Viedma Lapetra
He has a Degree in Law by the University Autónoma of Madrid and defends the interests of managers, companies and partners concerning the criminal law field. He has a well-known trajectory in criminal law matters and has actively been part of some the most complex and relevant criminal proceedings of the Spanish economic and business sector, both as defense and accusation. In addition to his expertise in criminal law, he also has broad experience in other areas, such as mercantile law. He is the co-author of the monograph “Tramitación de subvenciones públicas conforme a la Ley General de Subvenciones” (AEF, 2006).

Ramón Pelayo Torrent
He has a double Degree in Law and Business Studies by the University Pontifica of Comillas (ICADE). After five years working in the litigation department of Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, he joined the Firm, and since 2012, he is the manager of the Marbella office. He is an expert in litigation, particularly civil and mercantile, and in real estate and urban planning law. He has actively taken part of the major litigation cases entrusted to the Firm and has offered his legal advising services in different operations relating to the transfer of assets and real estate developments carried out by the some of the Firm’s main clients. He has also published several articles in legal journals and in other journals specialised in real estate.

Rafael Gómez Agustino
He has a degree in Law and a Diploma in Business Studies by the University Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE). For several years he was preparing to obtain the title of notary, passing several exams, which allowed him to deepen his knowledge of various branches of law. Finally, he chose to start his career in the private sector and dedicate, especially, to real estate law. His incorporation to the firm took place in 2019.
Specialized in Real Estate, Real Estate-Registry, Corporate Law and Civil and Commercial Contracts, he currently provides his comprehensive advisory services to particulars and companies to achieve their goals in different operations. Likewise, he has actively participated in various civil, commercial and contentious-administrative legal proceedings to defend the interests of the firm’s clients.

Anna Fernández Blane
After successfully Graduated in Law at the Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM), she coursed the Master’s Degree in Access to the Legal Profession, getting specialized in criminal law. Subsequently, she took a Monographic Course on Criminal Compliance at the Center for Financial Studies (CEF).
She joined the Madrid office in June 2023. Before that, she provided her professional services in remarkable law firms in Madrid, working in the procedural and economic criminal law department.
She is an active lawyer with proved experience in criminal law litigation; being able to asses individuals and companies from the defense and prosecution perspective. She is a member of the Woman in a Legal World Association, joining the Young partner category.
We collaborate with the best law firms around the world
International relations
Ramón C. Pelayo Abogados has been collaborating for years with offices in different parts of the world, from Latin America to the Middle East.